Maker Coach Position

Maker Coaches are the glue that will hold the Alley together. They are the creators, makers, artists, tinkerers, designers, builders, and inventors that want to share their passions with other members of the Michigan Tech community. These volunteers will spend time in the Alley helping Makers learn and create while maintaining an excellent standard of safety. They will have an opportunity to shape the maker culture and help create a place where all members of the Michigan Tech community can come together to make, collaborate together, and learn from each other. This document contains helpful information on how to make the most of your position as a Maker Coach.

Perks of Being a Maker Coach

  • Extended access to the space outside of normal operating hours
  • Advanced tool training
  • Be part of an awesome team molding a culture of making on campus
  • Ability to help form the space over time - be involved in the decision making process by sharing your own ideas as well as feedback learned from working with makers